A very big thanks to Leoff for finding all of these hidden easter eggs on the Season 3 DVD.

As the previous DVD boxes, there are several hidden easter eggs. To find them, first you select a particular title, move the left/right/up/down buttons at your remote control to reveal a hidden dot, then you press enter. All easter eggs I've found are in disc 7. The main menu shows 6 numbered surveillance TV monitors from Hydra station. You can select 4 monitors to watch the bonus and easter eggs: # 2, #3, #4 and # 5. Some speculate there might be a way to "unlock" at least one of the remaining monitors. If that's true, it's beyond my abilities. So here we go:

Select monitor #2 and press enter. The menu is the food machine inside the polar bear cage. A dot appears over that big button labeled with a knife and fork. Press enter to reveal the bonus titles. If you select "Lost Book Club" and RIGHT, the dot reappears at the button. Press enter to release a fish biscuit and a load of corn.

1) Select "Lost Book Club" then LEFT and UP. Press enter and watch Josh talking about the polar bear cage and a crew member explaining of what the fish biscuit was made. Length: 1:15.

2) Select "Cast in Clay: creating the toys of Todd McFarlane" and RIGHT two times. Press enter and watch a bonus about the ping pong table. We see Josh and director Stephen Williams playing and other stuff as the filming of the Sawyer and Hurley match (Enter 77). Length: 1:54

3) Select "The next level: inside the video game" and LEFT three times. Press enter and watch a video about how the chickens at the cage's location made a hell of noise and disturbed the shooting. Length: 0:51

Select monitor #3 and press enter. A dot appears over a walkie-talkie. Press enter to reveal the bonus titles.

4) Select "Lost: on location" and LEFT two times. Press enter and a widescreen version of the brainwash video Karl was forced to watch in Not in Portland. Length: 2:59.

Select "Lost: on Location" and press enter.

5) Select "The Glass Ballerina" and LEFT two times. Press enter and watch how the stunts of the Jin/Mikhail fight (D.O.C.) were made. Length: 3:05

6) Select "Tricia Tanaka is Dead" and RIGHT and UP. Press enter and watch Dominic and Jorge Garcia talking about how they play scrabbles at their free time. Length: 1:10.

7) Select "The Man From Tallahassee" and LEFT and UP two times. Press enter and watch a making of the Hydra flooding scene with Matthew Fox and Elizabeth Mitchell. Length: 2:18.

Back to the previous menu.

8) Select "Crew tribute with Evangeline Lilly" and RIGHT and UP. Press enter and watch Michael Emerson and Jack Bender praising the Lost crew. Length: 1:14.

9) Select "Lost in a day" and LEFT two times. Press enter and watch a video about the USS Bowfin, the WW2 submarine used as location to the Other's submarine. Length: 2:03.

Select monitor #4 and press enter. A dot appears over the ultrasound monitor. Press enter to reveal bonus titles. Select "The world of the Others" and UP. Press enter to make start the monitor for a few seconds.

10) Select "The World of the Others" and LEFT and UP to reveal a second dot at the monitor. Press enter and watch Dominic talking about Daniel Dae Kim and him finishing the Friday New York Time cross-words and how they had to interrupt the last one to shoot the Paulo/Nikki funeral. Length: 1:38.

11) Select "Blooper reel" and RIGHT three times. Press enter and watch a making of the make-up used in the dead nigerians from The Cost of Living. Length: 3:01.

Select monitor #5 and press enter. Press enter again to reveal the bonus titles. Select "Main Menu" and left to reveal a dot over Naomi's cell phone. Press enter to make the phone work for a few seconds.

12) Select "The Lost flashbacks" and LEFT and DOWN. Press enter and watch a video about the Lost crew passion for shaved/crushed ice. Adewale (Eko) seems to enjoy too. Length: 1:59.

13) Select "Deleted scenes" and RIGHT two times. Press enter and watch a video about the couple responsible for the spiders seen on Exposé. Length: 1:46.

Select "Deleted scenes" and press enter.

14) Select "Introducing Nikki & Paulo" and RIGHT two times. Press enter and watch the making of the dive Rodrigo Santoro did at the waterfalls (Exposé). Length: 1:45.

15) Select "Changing our luck" and RIGHT three times. Press enter and watch Jack Bender talking about Lulu, the dog he adopted and is always at the lost sets and locations. Length: 1:31.

Source: LEOFF

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