Thanks to Callum for this great list of Easter Eggs that he has found on the Season 5 Lost Blu-Ray disks.

-Highlight 'Lost 100', then press left twice. A video plays of Jorge Garcia in the Dharma Van finally finding the horn button on the last day of shooting.
-Highlight 'Seasonplay' and press right on your remote, the dot that shows you where you are moves in to open space, then press play. It gives a video of Jorge Garcia explaining the term 'ass-dirt' (which is apparently a noun :p).
-Highlight 'Seasonplay' and press left, then up, and the dot will move up to above 'episodes'. The video is about the make-up used on Jin for when he looked all beaten etc. when he first appeared this season.
-Highlight 'Features' and press left, the dot moves to the middle of the word 'Seasonplay'. Press play and the video shows the first time Jorge Garcia and Michelle Rodriguez (I definitely spelt her last name wrong :D) have a scene together and Jorge catching her up on what happened so far on the show since she left, much to her disbelief.
-Highlight 'Episodes' and press left, and the dot will move to just below 'Disk 5'. The video shows Sean Whalen talking about how he doubts Froghurt will ever come back, and how he suspects Matt Fox and Josh Holloway were behind him being killed off because he was too good looking.
-Highlight 'Set Up' and press right. It shows a video (with no sound...) of Jorge Garcia painting a picture of the Egyption desert with the sphinx in it.
-Highlight 'Features', then press right and up. The video is an interview with with D+C coming up with some random medieval show/movie called 'Dharma Times'.
-Highlight 'Episodes, then press right, then left. It's a video of Malcolm David Kelly talking about how he though Walt would actually work out to be a bad guy and that the kidnapping was a bad guy. Him and Ben pulling all the strings.

After going on to the 'Features' section, there's some more options (and more easter eggs!):

-Highlight 'Lost University' and press right, then up. The video shows Evangaline Lilly with one of the horses from S5 with Jeremy Davis, talking about if they've ever ridden before.
-Highlight 'Mysteries of the Universe', then press right, up, left. It shows Cheech making a sandwich. Very random, but funny.
- Highlight 'Lost 100' and press right. The video shows D+C talking about when they first found out how awesomely the pilot did and then realising they'd have to carry on and make more.

On the second page of the 'Features', there's a whole load more:

-Highlight 'Lost Bloopers' and press left, then up. A video plays of all the stunt coordinators being introduced.
-Highlight 'Deleted Scenes' and press left. A video of Dan Faraday getting his qualification in physics.
-Highlight 'Building 23 and Beyond' and press left. A video of D+C talking to Michael Emerson about how he plays Ben and how beneficial it is that the actors don't see the scripts until it actually comes to the filming of the scene.
-Highlight 'An Epic Day With Richard Alpert' and press left, then down. A video plays of the props department making the Boat in a Bottle that Richard has near the end of the season.

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